SEN and Disability

The member of staff who takes the lead on matters relating to SEN and disabilities is Mrs Diane Grey and Mrs Amy Newman, our SENDCOs.   If you have any queries or comments about SEND at our school, then please do not hesitate to get in touch on the school contact details listed below.  Should you wish to make a complaint about SEND provision in school, please contact Mrs D Grey using the details given below.
Mrs Diane Grey - SENDCO
Bellingham Middle School
Redesmouth Road
NE48 2EN
Tel: (01434) 230235
Please note that our SEND Policy and our Accessibility Policy and Plan are available on our policies page.

Support available in Northumberland

Northumberland Information, Advice and Support Service is a free, confidential and impartial service for children and young people (up to 25 years) with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND), and their parents and carers.

The information, advice and support provided by the service covers the full range of education, health and social care as defined in the SEND Code of Practice 2015. The service is run at ‘arm’s length’ from the Local Authority.

The support the service can offer includes:

  • Providing a listening ear and practical advice and support with understanding the SEND ‘system’
  • Information on a range of SEND topics.
  • Support with preparing for meetings.
  • Help with exploring the options for a child/young person’s SEND provision.
  • Signposting to other services and groups, including parent groups, youth forums and national helplines.
  • Support for individual children, young people and their parents that empowers them to express their views and wishes and helps them to understand and exercise their rights in matters including SEN processes, exclusion, complaints and SEND appeals.
  • Training for parents, children and young people, and professionals to increase their knowledge of SEND law, guidance, local policy, issues and participation.


The website for the service provides further details and can be accessed at  

The service operates on a self-referral service basis and can be contacted by phone on 01670 623555 or by email at




Eco-Schools Silver Award
Health and Wellbeing Audit
Music Mark
School Games Bronze 2018/19
The Daily Mile